Saturday, October 26, 2013

Keracunan Makanan

Keracunan makanan adalah pengambilan makanan yang tercemar atau minuman yang tercemar. Pengambilan makanan yang tercemar akan mengakibatkan anda mendapati cirit-birit, sakit perut, muntah-muntah, sakit kepala dan sebagainya. Keracunan makanan juga akan mengakibatkan kematian jika tidak mendapatkan rawatan yang lebih awal dan juga akan mengakibatkan kecacatan seperti lumpuh atau sakit-sakit sendi yang berpanjangan atau kronik. Oleh itu, terdapat beberapa sebab yang mengakibatkan keracunan makanan.

Sebab-sebab keracunan makanan
1. Pengambilan makanan yang tidak bersih.
  Pengambilan pemakanan yang tidak bersih akan mengakibatkan keracunan makanan. Contohnya pengambilan buah-buahan, sememangnya buah-buahan mempunyai vitamin yang banyak tetapi sekiranya buah-buahan kegemaran seseorang itu tercemar, ia akan mudah mendatangkan keburukan. Buah-buahan ini tercemar selalunya tercemar daripada air yang kotor ketika membasuhnya atau tangan peniaga yang kotor semasa membelinya. Hal ini akan menyebabkan buah-buahan itu dijangkiti kuman atau bakteria.

2. Tambahan bahan kimia yang berlebihan dalam makanan.
   Tambahan bahan kimia adalah seperti penambahan asid yang banyak dalam mi kuning atau laksa. Makanan ini boleh menyebabkan seseorang itu sakit perut dan sakit kepala apabila mereka memakannya. Tanaman yang ditabur dengan baja daripada bahan kimia dan racun makluk perosak secara berlebihan juga menyebabkan keracunan makanan. Hal ini disebabkan bahan kimia tersebut  masih ada pada bahan makanan mentah dan jika makanan mentah itu tidak dibersihkan dengan sempurna dan tidak dimasak dngan cara yang betul, bahan kimia tersebut masih kekal.

3. Makanan yang dimasak dan dihidang tidak diurus dengan betul.
    Makanan yang tidak diurus dengan betul seperti makanan tidak ditutup dengan sepenuhnya dan makanan ini boleh diharung lalat, lipas, semut dan sebagainya. Didalam lauk-pauk yang tededah juga terdapat telur lalat yang boleh menyebabkan mereka yang alahan diserang penyakit apabila memakannya. Terdapat juga kes-kes yang tidak disengajakan, misalnya serbuk atau bahan pencuci terjatuh kedalam periuk makanan tanpa disedari. Semua ini boleh menimbulkan gejala keracunan makanan yang boleh membahayakan mereka.

Kesimpulannya, kita perlu berjaga untuk mengelakkan gejala keracunan makanan. Kita perlu mengawasi bahan makanan daripada pencemaran dari awal, iaitu semasa membeli bahan makanan. Hal ini sangat penting terutamanya semasa kita makan di luar seperti di kedai ataupun ditempat yang lain. Oleh itu, kita perlulah berhati-hati semasa memilih makanan di luar.


Friday, October 11, 2013

...Malay Cultural Practices For Successful...

1. Time management
    Time management is very important to be successful. However, each individual is too many task that need to be resolved so many things that neglected. By this time management should be take into account in their daily lives. To facilitate the time we need to do a small and easy task first compared with a large and hard work. Do a little work first and fun is the best way. So, we do not waste time  because time can not to reversed.

2. Don't stress
   Stress when a job can not be completed or worried about something and any more factors that cause the stress. This stress does not benefit ourselves into. In fact, can cause many diseases and stress is not any good at all. If a person is easily stressed, then to become a successful man is very difficult.

3. Keep yourself motivated
    Normally, we will feel the level to motivate yourself is very high. We will feel that motivation is very important for each individual. But believe it will lose motivation over time. How do we keep ourselves motivated in? The answer is ti keep our momentum. Maintain momentum and our effort is the enthusiasm. If we are enthusiasm to do a job, do not stop until two or three days because your momentum will decrease. Our motivation will be reduced and eventually everything will be futile. Therefore, always thinking about the work done so that our momentum will continue and not diminished.

Wednesday, October 9, 2013

The Importance Of Speaking In English

Learning in English is provision in our day, we will all be moving in the lives of globalization. English is a language that has become the international language. Language is the most crucial communication tool, and like it or not, this time English is very dominate all aspect in terms of communication. This language is very important to us all, especially to those who are highly educated.

English is has long since become an international language. So, when we communication with people of any nation, English is a language which is widely used and understood. With the English language this course we will be easy to continue our learning abroad. Mostly overseas proficient in English is very important because it is easy to as something.

By mastering the English language one can communication future, until has vision in information technology it self will be more open and thus certainly an IT has a huge capital to move in a world of technology advances always moving forward. This is the alleged importance of the English language that we use now.

So, this English language should be used in full not only educated people can use even well-educated people who do not need to use this English. Communication in English is very important and we as people need to speak to communicate in English.

Tuesday, October 1, 2013

Entri untuk STID 1103

Kawan-kawanku tengah buat entri untuk STID 1103 Computer Application in Managment. Arrghh memang susah larr entri ni...
Tapi terpaksa kena buat juga la sebab ini ada markah.

Air Pollution

What is the purpose of air pollution? Air pollution is a condition that involves the introduction of any chemical substance or substances biologically that can cause harm or discomfort to humans or other living organisms,or damage the environment.

Many causes of air pollution. The first cause is caused by industrial activities. Developments in this area results in an increase in emissions of organic pollutants and inorganic gases, chemical and dust. Various types of industries produce different pollutants. Factories such as nuclear plant vent gases is very dangerous. Although nuclear plants many benefits, but also harmful.

Beside that, the open burning also causes air pollution. Many inmates like burning garbage when a collaborative home as they lazily throwing it in the trash. Farmers also burn tree branches, leaves and other to become fertilizer for farming. Although the remnants of the tree can be steel, but during the combustion process will produce fumes that pollute the air. Burning forests is one of open burning. Forest fires occur because developers want to open a new land to erect buildings or temperature heat into the fire.

There are several steps to overcome this problem. The first step is that we need to change our way of thinking and attitude of its own. Most of the air pollution occurs is conscious of the importance of human behavior itself. Therefore, we must to change the mindset and attitude to realize our own air pollution will cause many negative effects that damage the environment.

The next step is enforce laws and regulations. For example, the factories release fumes that pollute the air will be sued. If the plant continues to perform these activities. So, their business license will be suspended. The public also can not carry a whim combustion.

In conclusion, to resolve the air pollution is very important for all of us. We as Malaysians should be concerned about the cleanliness and health. So, we must work together to overcome this problem.